Did you know that what you complain about—out loud or in your head—can be very revealing about your DiSC style, especially in the workplace?
Our complaints highlight what matters most to us.
For example, suppose you often complain about colleagues not making time for team-building activities. In that case, you might have a high Influence (i) style, valuing social interaction and collaboration. Suppose you grumble that no one acknowledged your hard work on a project. In that case, you might have a high Steadiness (S) style, which appreciates recognition and thoughtful gestures. Suppose you complain that your manager always rewards you with gifts but rarely provides positive feedback or personal interactions. In that case, it might indicate a high Steadiness (S) or Influence (i) style, as these styles often value personal connections over material rewards.
Suppose you frequently find yourself complaining about inefficient processes or unclear instructions. In that case, you might have a high Conscientiousness (C) style, which values precision, accuracy, and clear guidelines. Conversely, suppose you often express frustration over team members not meeting deadlines or failing to take decisive action. In that case, you might have a high Dominance (D) style, which values results, directness, and efficiency.
Our complaints can reveal our emotional needs.
Consider this: if critical, judgmental feedback from your manager or peers causes you the most profound frustration, it could be a sign of a high Influence (i) or Steadiness (S) style, as these styles often yearn for affirmation and positive feedback. Negative comments can be particularly hurtful for someone who values encouragement and support. Suppose you have a high Conscientiousness (C) style. In that case, you might feel hurt by perceived incompetence or criticism of your work, as you value accuracy and high standards. For those with a high Dominance (D) style, the deepest frustration might stem from feeling undermined or powerless, as they value control and results. Recognizing these emotional needs can help you feel more understood and supported in your workplace.
Creating emotional safety in the workplace fosters a positive environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their needs and concerns. When team members feel emotionally safe, they are more likely to communicate openly and honestly, leading to better collaboration and productivity.
So, if you haven’t done so, start paying attention to your complaints and those of your colleagues. Doing so may uncover some fascinating insights into how to better give and receive appreciation and support based on DiSC styles. This understanding can pave the way for more effective communication and a supportive work environment.
Contact us today to learn more about how ACT One Learning can support your organizational culture, leadership development, and team effectiveness while fostering emotional safety. Let us help you transform your workplace into a more harmonious and productive environment.